Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Week Nine: New Comics

Sex Criminals Comic

I really thought it was very entertaining. I usually don't read comic. I just don't have any interest in them I think. Yeah the art work could be very beautiful, but if the story is bad I could careless. I don't really know anything more then the common person about comics and I don't really know the separation from comic to manga books if the are comics. The story kind of spoke for itself and I thought it was pretty good. I didn't really care for the artwork. I thought it looked a little cheap to me, but some of the were pretty. It was hilarious when the classmate was describing the different sex potions, and how ridiculous they. The drawings gave that part the comedy cherry on top. I think with comics, like anime its unlimited of what you could do. Anyone can make a comic. It doesn't have to be done artistic wise professionally. Other then the rules of comics in general you usually you have to go by. Layout wise I would think.

Week Eleven: Gaming and Narrative

I can't really consider myself a gamer. In class we disused what a "gamer" actually is. The reason a don't confider myself a gamer is because I take that term as someone who plays game constantly, knows everything about games in modern time and past gaming, and actually can play for hours with out dying. Myself compared to games a couple of years back, they are sooooo hard to play. I can't handle it. To many buttons. If i could chose and conceal it would PS. I had a PS2 growing up and I played it all the time. I loved it. I was mad when PS3 came out and I couldn't afford to get it. That kind of when I stopped playing games to think of it. I would maybe be more into it if a got the PS3.

Anyway since Im older I do like games, but I like watching being played for some reason. I think I like the exploring part, and wondering how its going to play out. Depending on the games, they have really great stories, and problem solving challenges. I love that. When I watch my cousins play the game at his house I usually tell him what to do and where to go while he's playing.

Week Thirteen: Media and Fan Culture

Ive never been a hardcore fan of anything. The closest would be to mostly celebrities. If there is a show, and I like, I would be a fan, but thats it. I don't do the extra stuff like dressing up like them, or have constant merchandise all over my room, and body. I don't know thats just me I guess. With fandom in general, it can become something so big, and people usually can go over board. I for one can understand a person really liking something, but when it comes to going to constant conventions, and knowing the actors every move is kind of scary and creepy to me.

Then it comes to the side where why do they love and connect so much with these shows and people. One they want and someone hot, and intelligent to where we are able to go on their mission with us the audience being invited or not known to exist. Then there is the story. Why do we care what you do, why your doing it, and how are you going to entertain us as the audience. What makes you different from what we have already seen, and how are you going to get out of your situations that you have made for yourself, and show us. Thats mostly how I think a person thinks with in the first couple of minutes of a pilot of a show to get your attention. Or in anotherway, have tumblr do it for you, and you soon know all the characters of the shows and who they, but never actually watched it.


Anime is a subject I haven't really discussed in a while. Growing up, I had a great love for it. I was kind of embarrassed about it then i got over it. Anime can be very childish, and it can be very violent and sexual depending on the show I would think. Being a child and not really knowing what Anime really was, I thought I get in trouble for watching it, because of the cursing and sexual stuff going on. I thought in my mind " Oh its a cartoon, I can't watch this. Cartoons are for children. Even though this guy is putting his hand under this girls dress, and someone else is chopping a guys head off. Yeah its ok its a cartoons. " I was sadly mistaken, and I'm sure I watch some flicks I wasn't supposed to watch as kid and I didn't know any better. Then when I knew better I still watched it. :)

When got older I enjoyed TV shows, some manga books, and or course fan fiction mash ups. Yeah I use to write the stories online. I really wished I saved them so I can read them and laugh at them. I would of course draw the characters, and have my little notebook full of drawing on paper. I would keep them in my room. I still have some. Oh how I've improved.

With the sort aspect of anime, I think I don't really care for it now because the age range of the characters in the shows and books are now younger then I am. I can't really relate to them, or be interested. Years back I use to watch InuYasha growing up, and I remember him being so much older then I was. I think I was like nine, and he I guess was eighteen. Now I'm twenty-two and I think eighteen-year olds shouldn't be doing what he does in the show. Just saying. Yeah, so my point is I don't want to watch a show about younger people unless its really good.

I think my Anime phase died down when I graduated high school or maybe even before that. It wasn't that I didn't like it anymore, its just I just stopped.

From what I can tell you about anime in general, and how I feel about, I have many different opinions. To start off, I think anime is kind of sexiest. I a lot of people from different places can see it that way and others don't. Even though it is, you made your point about it keep men from doing harm to women, and its like a secret obsession by finding a way to control a man sexual cravings. I still think that shouldn't be like an excuse. From a guys point a view about the situation to me isn't really valid to me. Their is no way of understanding two different worlds. Thats just my opinion. I understand theirs porn and stuff, and their grown women, but when it comes to children thats when I draw the line. I can't stand when children get sexual situation involving a grown man rapping her, and  these tapes are sold in stores, and anyone can buy them. That makes me really uncomfortable. Anther thing in the shows they make the women, either helpless and weak, or strong and is a crazy villain of a character. Not so much in modern day, its gotten better, but from what I watched as a kid.

With anime, I love how its limitless, and really has no rules. You can do what ever you want. I like when they make strong message in the stories, and makes you feel a kind of way about something. Or the artwork is amazingly beautifully detailed, and colorful.

Week Eight: Travels in the Disney

To start off, I thought the film you showed us was something I would burn. With all respect. It was too much for me couldn't handle it. I understand the meaning that Disney has a dark side and how its not so perfect then it seems. Disney wasn't perfect even way back in the day even when it was considered untouchable, and harmless. It was really racist, and sexist. I can understand it was during a time period where that wasn't really frowned upon, but its not fun thinking about Walt Disney and other late animators you look up to make something like that. Then you want grow up and be a great artist just them.

I found Youtube clips of the first of Disney's Fantasia that was later cut out from the movie when it came out on VHS in the early 2000s.

Over all the other things Disney has done in the past, I think it just ignorance.

Myself, I was brought up strongly on Disney movies. I've probably seen every animated picture, not so much the live action, and I could quote the whole movie. Because of Disney i'm here at Ringling. I want to make my own movies, and tell my stories too one day. Even tough I'm in Illustration I want to be animator. Since I've been here, I've lost a little bit of the Disney motivational magic. Meaning I don't really care what Disney is really doing right now. It just has turned into just making money, and doing what their told to do. The older movies that I watched growing up, seemed more taken seriously and they actually enjoyed doing them. The traditional animation is what I fell in love with. Now its this 3D crap that I don't like, other if Pixar does it. Its Pixar's thing, and Disney's making it as well to add money to what they already have. It's just a faster way of making money.

I still don't like it.

Week Six: The Roots of Hipster

Using the three primary elements of the liberal arts, classification, collection, and appreciation, write a blog post that defines the contemporary hipster. Besides an explanation of the category provide a series of links to works that help define the hipster in the 21st century. Write a statement of appreciation for each of the links you provide explaining the relevance and value of the example to the notion of the hipster and to what is hip. This is due next week, Feb. 25.

I don't know if I consider myself a hipster. I never knew the definition of what it actually was until I looked it up. I never wasn't really afraid to call myself a hipster, but usually people would point out people who were hipster weren't liked or cared about. I love the hipster community, and mostly the fashion. The emotional part of being a hipster is something I could be distant with. Im not really a loner, but i do love my space. Hipsters have tumblr by storm, and picture taking is a huge deal in their community. 

A definition of a HIPSTER...

I think a lot of being hipster is basically promoting logic and fashion that modern people wouldn't know about or wouldn't care to want to know. Like collecting a skull they found out side, and putting it in glass case, or taking your grandparents record player, and playing their music of an artist that aren't even alive anymore. So, I have a piece of history, and I wish I lived in this time period because I can connect better to it. If you think about it, thats why I think hipsters don't wear clothes in modern time. Either it looks better, or they mostly hate modern day style. I do. I hate Aeropastle, and all the other clothing companies like that. I don't need huge ass lettering all over my chest promoting your industry to be better than someone else.

Kind of hipster clothing stores...

Over all like I said  I do love the clothes, and thats what I chose to wear. Im not sure if I'm their all the way group wise though.

Week Five: Fiction Indexing Reality

"Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage" 

by Haruki Murakami 

I thought the story was ok. It wasn't something I would chose to read again. With the main character, I thought he thought way too much about his friends having all colors in their name other than him. Its understandable being in high school, but I thought it was taken to a degree that wasn't really worth thinking too much into. Even though in his eyes he felt separated from the group by not being apart of their color wheel, it could make think you don't belong. No matter how you think about it. Then I thought about how this story connects to real life in general. Usually in life what brings people together, to connect, is by some similarities that make them join and become who they are. Basically " clicks", that school crap. Until you graduate you know all that stuff is bull. You wasted your time thinking about it. 

Dealing with the story the main characters friends real do like him. They tell him how much they do respect him, and he has nothing to worry about it, despite his name not being a color. Which would really suck if they wouldn't be friends with him because of name. They would be just be terrible people. If you think about it,  people are truly like that in real life. Even grown ass adults. Oh your smart enough, small enough, pretty enough, you can't eat with us. In other words if your not mostly the same or have the same mission, they have no need for you. I guess you could have an amazing personality. Everyones different but, high school students are mean. :0