Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Anime is a subject I haven't really discussed in a while. Growing up, I had a great love for it. I was kind of embarrassed about it then i got over it. Anime can be very childish, and it can be very violent and sexual depending on the show I would think. Being a child and not really knowing what Anime really was, I thought I get in trouble for watching it, because of the cursing and sexual stuff going on. I thought in my mind " Oh its a cartoon, I can't watch this. Cartoons are for children. Even though this guy is putting his hand under this girls dress, and someone else is chopping a guys head off. Yeah its ok its a cartoons. " I was sadly mistaken, and I'm sure I watch some flicks I wasn't supposed to watch as kid and I didn't know any better. Then when I knew better I still watched it. :)

When got older I enjoyed TV shows, some manga books, and or course fan fiction mash ups. Yeah I use to write the stories online. I really wished I saved them so I can read them and laugh at them. I would of course draw the characters, and have my little notebook full of drawing on paper. I would keep them in my room. I still have some. Oh how I've improved.

With the sort aspect of anime, I think I don't really care for it now because the age range of the characters in the shows and books are now younger then I am. I can't really relate to them, or be interested. Years back I use to watch InuYasha growing up, and I remember him being so much older then I was. I think I was like nine, and he I guess was eighteen. Now I'm twenty-two and I think eighteen-year olds shouldn't be doing what he does in the show. Just saying. Yeah, so my point is I don't want to watch a show about younger people unless its really good.

I think my Anime phase died down when I graduated high school or maybe even before that. It wasn't that I didn't like it anymore, its just I just stopped.

From what I can tell you about anime in general, and how I feel about, I have many different opinions. To start off, I think anime is kind of sexiest. I a lot of people from different places can see it that way and others don't. Even though it is, you made your point about it keep men from doing harm to women, and its like a secret obsession by finding a way to control a man sexual cravings. I still think that shouldn't be like an excuse. From a guys point a view about the situation to me isn't really valid to me. Their is no way of understanding two different worlds. Thats just my opinion. I understand theirs porn and stuff, and their grown women, but when it comes to children thats when I draw the line. I can't stand when children get sexual situation involving a grown man rapping her, and  these tapes are sold in stores, and anyone can buy them. That makes me really uncomfortable. Anther thing in the shows they make the women, either helpless and weak, or strong and is a crazy villain of a character. Not so much in modern day, its gotten better, but from what I watched as a kid.

With anime, I love how its limitless, and really has no rules. You can do what ever you want. I like when they make strong message in the stories, and makes you feel a kind of way about something. Or the artwork is amazingly beautifully detailed, and colorful.

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