Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Week Five: Fiction Indexing Reality

"Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage" 

by Haruki Murakami 

I thought the story was ok. It wasn't something I would chose to read again. With the main character, I thought he thought way too much about his friends having all colors in their name other than him. Its understandable being in high school, but I thought it was taken to a degree that wasn't really worth thinking too much into. Even though in his eyes he felt separated from the group by not being apart of their color wheel, it could make think you don't belong. No matter how you think about it. Then I thought about how this story connects to real life in general. Usually in life what brings people together, to connect, is by some similarities that make them join and become who they are. Basically " clicks", that school crap. Until you graduate you know all that stuff is bull. You wasted your time thinking about it. 

Dealing with the story the main characters friends real do like him. They tell him how much they do respect him, and he has nothing to worry about it, despite his name not being a color. Which would really suck if they wouldn't be friends with him because of name. They would be just be terrible people. If you think about it,  people are truly like that in real life. Even grown ass adults. Oh your smart enough, small enough, pretty enough, you can't eat with us. In other words if your not mostly the same or have the same mission, they have no need for you. I guess you could have an amazing personality. Everyones different but, high school students are mean. :0 

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